Protecting LPs against bad debt

DeRisk is a cross-protocol, risk monitoring platform with insurance on risky loans for DeFi lending protocols.

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Shared cross-protocol insights
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Reduced cost of capital
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Insurance on risky loans

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Honestly, is this the way to protect against bad debt?

Loans that can’t be liquidated profitably are a big problem for lending protocols, one bad loan and their reputation is at stake. But lending protocols don’t have it easy to hedge against it.

Poor market intelligence

Other risk monitoring platforms provide little to non shared cross-protocol insights on loan volume and liquidation prices.

Stuck capital in pools

To cover the risk LPs allocate  a conservative amount of capital “just in case”. That capital is stuck there and can’t be put to work.

No insurance available

Protocols are fully exposed to risk of bad debt. Bad debt will have to be socialized in the end.

This Is How You Can Protect Against Bad Debt And Optimize The Cost Of Capital

DeRisk is a cross-protocol risk monitoring platform that provides increased insights allowing lending protocols to better assess the risk and better protect their users. And unlike other monitoring platforms, DeRisk provides options as insurance for loans with high risk of not being liquidated profitably.

Join us making web3 a safer and less risky place for users and protocols.

Every day more protocols are joining us, this is the latest development roadmap.

July 2023 - testing with protocols that signed up 
August 2023 - Open source platform for Starknet
Additional networks - 4 weeks to setup
Options Insurance - August 2023

Sign up for the open source risk monitoring platform. It’s free (for now).

We are part of Carmine Finance, our mission is to make DeFi a less risky place

Carmien Finance is an Automated Market Maker enabling anyone to buy and sell options at a fair price. It's services are for traders, liquidity providers and Hedge Funds and investors.

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